We are excited to announce the semifinalist teams for this year’s Business Concept and Social Venture Virtual Tracks! These teams are invited travel to the University of Delaware to pitch in this year’s semifinal round on April 6. With hundreds of students from all over the world submitting so many incredible ideas, this year’s competition was indeed fierce! That said, we are excited to announce our top teams, in alphabetical order:



AcoustiGLASS (Ohio, U.S.A)

Convertible Shoe (Texas, U.S.A.)

Plasticycle (Georgia, U.S.A.)

Potentia: Fuel your Fire (Pune, India)

Recup (Ottawa, Canada)



CommunityLinks (New York, U.S.A.)

Dilishakel (Diligan, Armenia)

DonArt (Diligan, Armenia)

STEP  (Muang, Thailand)

TeensGive.org (New York, U.S.A.)

Volutu (California, U.S.A)


We want to thank all of our incredible students, advisors, and youth entrepreneurial community for your participation in this year’s virtual round! We hope to see you at the Youth Entrepreneurship Summit, whether in-person of via our livestream!

*We had a tie between two teams in Social Venture so we invited six instead of the usual five!


About Horn Entrepreneurship

Horn Entrepreneurship serves as the University of Delaware’s creative engine for entrepreneurship education and advancement. Built and actively supported by successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders, Horn Entrepreneurship empowers aspiring innovators and entrepreneurs as they pursue new ideas for a better world.

Follow Horn Entrepreneurship @udhorn and check out our entrepreneurship competition for high school students @diamondchalleng.