Big news! We’re very excited to announce our new online mentoring program for Diamond Challenge 2016 participants. Our new platform works to connect teams with entrepreneurs and entrepreneurially-minded professionals from around the world.

What you will gain from our mentoring program:

  • Real world perspective and feedback about your team’s venture
  • Valuable connections with established innovators and professionals
  • Opportunity to expand your network and knowledge on entrepreneurship

Sounds exciting, right? The best part of our new mentoring program is how easy it is to get connected! All it requires is three easy steps:

  1. Build an online profile for your team that outlines your goals and interests
  2. Complete a quick survey that matches you with a mentor
  3. Schedule a time to meet up virtually with your mentor to discuss your venture

1-2-3! It really is that easy! Although participation in the mentoring program is not required to win the Diamond Challenge, it is highly recommended and will definitely give you a leg up on the competition.

So what are you waiting for? If you’re already registered for the Diamond Challenge, we hope that you consider signing up for our mentoring program as well! And if you aren’t registered yet, you still have until November 30th, 2015 to sign up!

mentoring image


About Horn Entrepreneurship

Horn Entrepreneurship serves as the University of Delaware’s creative engine for entrepreneurship education and advancement. Built and actively supported by successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders, Horn Entrepreneurship empowers aspiring innovators and entrepreneurs as they pursue new ideas for a better world.

Follow Horn Entrepreneurship @udhorn and check out our entrepreneurship competition for high school students @diamondchalleng.